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mds:lbi:lds_2019-2020 [09/09/2020 alle 15:28 (5 anni fa)] – creata Anna Monrealemds:lbi:lds_2019-2020 [04/11/2022 alle 12:17 (2 anni fa)] (versione attuale) Salvatore Ruggieri
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 ====== LABORATORY OF DATA SCIENCE (2019/2020) ====== ====== LABORATORY OF DATA SCIENCE (2019/2020) ======
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 |    17.09 11:00-13:00 | Canceled - The lesson will be recovered.     | | | |  |    17.09 11:00-13:00 | Canceled - The lesson will be recovered.     | | | | 
 |    19.09 11:00-13:00 | Canceled - The lesson will be recovered.  | | | |  |    19.09 11:00-13:00 | Canceled - The lesson will be recovered.  | | | | 
-|1. |  24.09 11:00-13:00 | Introduction. File data access. Representation formats: CSV, FLV, ARFF, XML|{{ :mds:lbi:2019-lds.01.introduction.pdf |}} {{:mds:lbi:2019-lds.02.bi_architectures.pdf |}} {{:mds:lbi:lds.03.file_data_access.pdf |}}|  [[|Video on Introduction]] [[|Video on File Access]] | |  -** BI technology:** [[ | An Overview of Business Intelligence Technology]] - **File access:** {{ :mds:lbi:filesystem.pdf | File System Interface}} - **File Formats:** [[ | Introduction to data technologies(Chps. 5, 6)]],  [[|Weka ARFF Format]], [[|XRFF Format]] |  +|1. |  24.09 11:00-13:00 | Introduction. File data access. Representation formats: CSV, FLV, ARFF, XML|{{ :mds:lbi:2019-lds.01.introduction.pdf |}} {{:mds:lbi:2019-lds.02.bi_architectures.pdf |}} {{:mds:lbi:lds.03.file_data_access.pdf |}}|  [[|Video on Introduction]] [[|Video on File Access]] | |  -** BI technology:** [[ | An Overview of Business Intelligence Technology]] - **File access:** {{ :mds:lbi:filesystem.pdf | File System Interface}} - **File Formats:** [[ | Introduction to data technologies(Chps. 5, 6)]],  [[|Weka ARFF Format]], [[|XRFF Format]] |  
-|2. |  26.09 11:00-13:00 | Python Recap  | {{ :mds:lbi:lds.04.python.pdf | Python Recap}} | [[|Video 26/09/2019]] | | |  +|2. |  26.09 11:00-13:00 | Python Recap  | {{ :mds:lbi:lds.04.python.pdf | Python Recap}} | [[|Video 26/09/2019]] | | |  
-|3. |  01.10 11:00-13:00 | File data access in Python. Lab practice on file access.  | {{ :mds:lbi:lds.05.fileaccess-python.pdf |}} | [[|Video File Access - Python]] | {{ | Sample data}} {{ |}}|  +|3. |  01.10 11:00-13:00 | File data access in Python. Lab practice on file access.  | {{ :mds:lbi:lds.05.fileaccess-python.pdf |}} | [[|Video File Access - Python]] | {{ | Sample data}} {{ |}}|  
-|4. |  03.10 11:00-13:00 |Lab practice on file access and transformation from CSV2ARFF file format. |  | [[|Video CSV2ARFF ]] | {{ |}}| | +|4. |  03.10 11:00-13:00 |Lab practice on file access and transformation from CSV2ARFF file format. |  | [[|Video CSV2ARFF ]] | {{ |}}| | 
-|5. |  08.10 11:00-13:00 |  Lab practice on file access.    |[[|Video]] | {{ :mds:lbi:ex-customers.pdf |}} {{ |}} {{ |}}| |  +|5. |  08.10 11:00-13:00 |  Lab practice on file access.    |[[|Video]] | {{ :mds:lbi:ex-customers.pdf |}} {{ |}} {{ |}}| |  
-|6. |  10.10 11:00-13:00 |  Practice + RDBMS access protocols: ODBC, OLE DB, JDBC. ODBC Programming.   | {{ :mds:lbi:lbi.06.relationaldataaccess-1.pdf |}} |[[|Video on RDBMS access - Part1]]  |{{ | SolutionEx: 2018-10-09}}   | |  +|6. |  10.10 11:00-13:00 |  Practice + RDBMS access protocols: ODBC, OLE DB, JDBC. ODBC Programming.   | {{ :mds:lbi:lbi.06.relationaldataaccess-1.pdf |}} |[[|Video on RDBMS access - Part1]]  |{{ | SolutionEx: 2018-10-09}}   | |  
-|7. |  15.10 11:00-13:00 |  Lab practice: stratified sampling in ODBC.   | {{ :mds:lbi:lbi.06.relational_data_access-complete.pdf |}} |[[|Video on RDBMS access - Part2]]  | {{ |}}| | +|7. |  15.10 11:00-13:00 |  Lab practice: stratified sampling in ODBC.   | {{ :mds:lbi:lbi.06.relational_data_access-complete.pdf |}} |[[|Video on RDBMS access - Part2]]  | {{ |}}| | 
-|8. |  17.10 11:00-13:00 |  Introduction to SQL Server. ETL tools: SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).  | {{ :mds:lbi:lds.07.sqlserver.pdf |}} {{ :mds:lbi:lds.08.etlandssis.pdf |}}|[[|Video on Sol. Stratified Sampling and ETL tools]]  | {{ |}}| | +|8. |  17.10 11:00-13:00 |  Introduction to SQL Server. ETL tools: SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).  | {{ :mds:lbi:lds.07.sqlserver.pdf |}} {{ :mds:lbi:lds.08.etlandssis.pdf |}}|[[|Video on Sol. Stratified Sampling and ETL tools]]  | {{ |}}| | 
-|9. |  22.10 11:00-13:00 |  SSIS samples and lab practice pipeline.  |  | [[|Video on SISS]]| {{ |}} {{ :mds:lbi:ex-midterm.pdf |}}| +|9. |  22.10 11:00-13:00 |  SSIS samples and lab practice pipeline.  |  | [[|Video on SISS]]| {{ |}} {{ :mds:lbi:ex-midterm.pdf |}}| 
 |10. | 24.10 11:00-13:00 |  SSIS Dissimilarity - Mid-term practice|  | | {{ |}} {{ | exam 14/4/2015 }} {{ |}} {{ |}}  |  |10. | 24.10 11:00-13:00 |  SSIS Dissimilarity - Mid-term practice|  | | {{ |}} {{ | exam 14/4/2015 }} {{ |}} {{ |}}  | 
 |11. | 29.10 11:00-13:00 |  Stratified Sampling + Update|  | | {{ |}} Exercises: {{ :mds:lbi:20190618.pdf |}} {{ :mds:lbi:20190401.pdf |}}  |  |11. | 29.10 11:00-13:00 |  Stratified Sampling + Update|  | | {{ |}} Exercises: {{ :mds:lbi:20190618.pdf |}} {{ :mds:lbi:20190401.pdf |}}  | 
 |12. | 31.10 11:00-13:00 | Practice for Midterm {{ :mds:lbi:20190206.pdf |}}|  | | {{ |}} {{ |}}    |12. | 31.10 11:00-13:00 | Practice for Midterm {{ :mds:lbi:20190206.pdf |}}|  | | {{ |}} {{ |}}   
 |13. | 04.11 11:00-13:00 | Practice for Midterm |  | | {{ |}} {{ | Ex. Python}}  |13. | 04.11 11:00-13:00 | Practice for Midterm |  | | {{ |}} {{ | Ex. Python}} 
-|14. | 12.11 11:00-13:00 |  SSIS: surrogate keys, slowly changing dimensions|  | [[|Video 2019-11-12]] | {{ |}} | +|14. | 12.11 11:00-13:00 |  SSIS: surrogate keys, slowly changing dimensions|  | [[|Video 2019-11-12]] | {{ |}} | 
-|15. | 14.11 11:00-13:00 |  Datawarehousing and OLAP recap. Data cubes, analytic SQL, and materialized views in SQL Server. |{{ :mds:lbi:lds.09.dwandolap.pdf |}} | [[|Video 2019-11-14]]  | {{ |}} |  +|15. | 14.11 11:00-13:00 |  Datawarehousing and OLAP recap. Data cubes, analytic SQL, and materialized views in SQL Server. |{{ :mds:lbi:lds.09.dwandolap.pdf |}} | [[|Video 2019-11-14]]  | {{ |}} |  
 |  |10.11 11:00-13:00  | Cancelled | | | | | |  |10.11 11:00-13:00  | Cancelled | | | | |
-|16. |  21.11 11:00-13:00 |OLAP with SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS): data source views, dimensions, hierarchies. Data cubes.| {{ :mds:lbi:lds.10.ssas.pdf |}} | [[|First Video 21/11/2019]] [[|Second Video 21/11/2019]] | {{ |}} **Notice:** Please read the instructions in the Section NEWS! | **1) SSAS (olap):** [[|documentation]]; 2) S. Harinath et al. {{ :mds:lbi:ssas2012ch456.pdf |Professional Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2012 with MDX and DAX, Wrox publisher, 2012. Chps. 4-6}}. +|16. |  21.11 11:00-13:00 |OLAP with SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS): data source views, dimensions, hierarchies. Data cubes.| {{ :mds:lbi:lds.10.ssas.pdf |}} | [[|First Video 21/11/2019]] [[|Second Video 21/11/2019]] | {{ |}} **Notice:** Please read the instructions in the Section NEWS! | **1) SSAS (olap):** [[|documentation]]; 2) S. Harinath et al. {{ :mds:lbi:ssas2012ch456.pdf |Professional Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2012 with MDX and DAX, Wrox publisher, 2012. Chps. 4-6}}. 
-|17.|26.11 11:00-13:00 |Parent-child hierarchies. OLAP explorative data analysis with Pivot Tables in Excel.  | | [[|Video 26/11/2019]]  |  | **Pivot Tables in Excel:** G. Harvey. {{ :mds:lbi:pivottable2013bookviichpt2.pdf |Excel 2013 All-in-One For Dummies, 2013. Chp. VII-2}}.   | +|17.|26.11 11:00-13:00 |Parent-child hierarchies. OLAP explorative data analysis with Pivot Tables in Excel.  | | [[|Video 26/11/2019]]  |  | **Pivot Tables in Excel:** G. Harvey. {{ :mds:lbi:pivottable2013bookviichpt2.pdf |Excel 2013 All-in-One For Dummies, 2013. Chp. VII-2}}.   | 
-|18.|28.11 11:00-13:00 |ROLAP and MOLAP in SSAS. MDX. |  | [[|Video 28/11/2019]]  |  | **MDX:** 1) [[|documentation]] and a [[|useful guide on ordering]]; 2) S. Harinath ed al. {{ :mds:lbi:ssas2012ch3.pdf |Professional Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2012 with MDX and DAX, Wrox publisher, 2012. Chp. 3.}}    | +|18.|28.11 11:00-13:00 |ROLAP and MOLAP in SSAS. MDX. |  | [[|Video 28/11/2019]]  |  | **MDX:** 1) [[|documentation]] and a [[|useful guide on ordering]]; 2) S. Harinath ed al. {{ :mds:lbi:ssas2012ch3.pdf |Professional Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2012 with MDX and DAX, Wrox publisher, 2012. Chp. 3.}}    | 
-|19.|29.11 11:00-13:00 |Calculated metrics. MDX Demo. |  | [[|Video on ExcelReport]]  [[|Video on MDXQuries]] | {{ :mds:lbi:foodmartexplorative.xlsx |}}  {{ |}}|     |+|19.|29.11 11:00-13:00 |Calculated metrics. MDX Demo. |  | [[|Video on ExcelReport]]  [[|Video on MDXQuries]] | {{ :mds:lbi:foodmartexplorative.xlsx |}}  {{ |}}|     |
 |20.|03.12 11:00-13:00 |Practice with MDX.    |  | Thi part is covered by the previous video  | {{ |}} |   | |20.|03.12 11:00-13:00 |Practice with MDX.    |  | Thi part is covered by the previous video  | {{ |}} |   |
 |21.|05.12 11:00-13:00 | Practice with MDX |   | [[|Video 5/12/19]]  | {{ |}}  |    | |21.|05.12 11:00-13:00 | Practice with MDX |   | [[|Video 5/12/19]]  | {{ |}}  |    |
 |22.|06.12 11:00-13:00 | Reporting with Power BI Desktop. Data Mining pre-processing in WEKA.  | {{ :mds:lbi:lds.12.powerbi.pdf |}} {{ :mds:lbi:lds.13.weka.pdf |}}| [[|Video 6/12/19]]| {{ |}}{{ |}} {{ |}}|     |22.|06.12 11:00-13:00 | Reporting with Power BI Desktop. Data Mining pre-processing in WEKA.  | {{ :mds:lbi:lds.12.powerbi.pdf |}} {{ :mds:lbi:lds.13.weka.pdf |}}| [[|Video 6/12/19]]| {{ |}}{{ |}} {{ |}}|    
-|23.|10.12 11:00-13:00 | API WEKA  |{{ :mds:lbi:lds.15.wekaapi.pdf |}}  {{|}}  | [[|Video 10/12/2019]]| {{ | training set for exercise on Weka}} {{ | validation set for exercise on Weka }} {{ | Python example for WEKA API}}|    +|23.|10.12 11:00-13:00 | API WEKA  |{{ :mds:lbi:lds.15.wekaapi.pdf |}}  {{|}}  | [[|Video 10/12/2019]]| {{ | training set for exercise on Weka}} {{ | validation set for exercise on Weka }} {{ | Python example for WEKA API}}|    
 |24.|12.12 11:00-13:00 | Practice for the second midterm|  | | {{ :mds:lbi:ex-mdx.pdf | Queries to solve with MDX (this file is a more complete version of that one published the last lecture) }} {{ :mds:lbi:20140205.pdf | Exercise on MDX}} {{ |Solution Ex.}}|    | |24.|12.12 11:00-13:00 | Practice for the second midterm|  | | {{ :mds:lbi:ex-mdx.pdf | Queries to solve with MDX (this file is a more complete version of that one published the last lecture) }} {{ :mds:lbi:20140205.pdf | Exercise on MDX}} {{ |Solution Ex.}}|    |
 ====== Exams ====== ====== Exams ======
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   * [[LDS 2018-2019]]   * [[LDS 2018-2019]]
   * [[LBI 2017-2018]]   * [[LBI 2017-2018]]
-  * [[|LBI 2016/2017]] 
mds/lbi/lds_2019-2020.1599665287.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 09/09/2020 alle 15:28 (5 anni fa) da Anna Monreale

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