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Decision Support Systems - Module II (6 ECTS): LABORATORY OF DATA SCIENCE (2024/2025)

This is the second module of Decision Support Systems (801AA, 12 ECTS), previously called Laboratory of Data Science (664AA, 6 ECTS).


Cristiano Landi

If you are not asking for office hours, always email both instructors and include [LDS] at the beginning of the subject line.

The following is the timetable for the whole Decision Support Systems course. The two modules span differently over the semester. The first module will take most of the lessons from September to October. The second module will take most of the lessons from November to December.

Day of Week Hour Room
Tuesday 9:00 - 11:00 Fib C
Wednesday 16:00 - 18:00 Fib H-Lab
Thursday 11:00 - 13:00 Fib A1
Friday 11:00 - 13:00 Fib C1

A Teams channel is used to post news, Q&A, and other stuff related to the course. The lectures will be only in presence and will NOT be live-streamed, but recordings of the lecture from this or the previous years will be made available for non-attending students.

Learning Material

Slides & Recordings of the classes

  • The slides used in the course will be inserted in the calendar after each class.
  • Recordings of each lecture will be made available for non-attending students.

Past Exams


Note: preconfigured virtual machines can be found in the Teams channel for both AMD64 (Intel/AMD) and ARM (Apple Silicon) architectures.


Class calendar - (2024-2025)

Day Topic Slides Data/Software Video Lectures
18.09 Introduction to the Course. BI Architectures. File data access. Introduction BI architectures Files video
25.09 Python Recap. + Exercises Python Recap supplementary code video
02.10 Python File Access Python File Access Data ex files LDS04 sol
09.10 RDBMS access protocols Relational Data Access ex-customers.pdf Data ex files 2 LDS05 sol
23.10 Python DB Access slides previous lecture video
24.10 Python DB Access slides previous lecture video1 video2
29.10 Python DB Access: exercises slides previous lecture ex-customer_sol video
30.10 SQL Server + SSIS + ToCSV SQL Server ETL and SSIS video
06.11 SSIS: FromCSV + Project Discussion slides previous lecture Video: Due to connection issues the recording could have some issues
07.11 SSIS: Pipeline slides previous lecture Video: Due to connection issues the recording could have some issues
13.11 SSIS: Stratified Sampling slides previous lecture Practice SSIS Video: Due to connection issues the recording could have some issues
14.11 SSIS: Surrogate Keys slides previous lecture Due to connection issues the recording could have some issues
19.11 SSIS: Practice
20.11 SSIS: Practice Dissimilarity index
21.11 CDC Process + Dissimilarity Index
26.11 Introduction to SSAS + DWDW and OLAP
27.11 Olab Cube SSAS Instructions for the SSAS project: to avoid conflicts in deployment/process follow this steps once the solution is opened: (1) rename the project as <your account>_foodmart (2) from project properties select 'Deployment', then rename the database as <your account>_foodmart; (3) click on the button “show all files” just above “Solution explorer” right click on “view code” on the .database file that is visualized, and then change the ID from current name into <your account>_foodmart, and finally save the file; (4) change the credentials of connection to database on SQL Server. As an alternative solution you mayimport the project from the SSAS server and rename it as <your account>_foodmart (step 4 is still necessary).
28.11Metrics + Excel power pivot integration
03.12 MDX Queries Same slides as in the previous lectures
04.12 MDX Queries Same slides as in the previous lectures
05.12 MDX Queries Same slides as in the previous lectures new version of the query samples
11.12 MDX Queries
12.12 PowerBI + MDX practice File updated with new queries Queries to be solved
13.12 No lesson in this date.
18.12 Room C 1400-16:00


There are no mid-terms. The exam of Decision Support Systems (801AA, 12 ECTS) consists of a written part and an oral part on the topics of the first module (50% of the final grade), and a lab project with discussion on the topics of the second module (50% of the final grade). See Module I: Decision Support Databases for the theory part. The project of Module II can be discussed only after passing Module I and not later than one year since then.


A project consists of a set of assignments corresponding to a BI process: data integration, construction of an OLAP cube, querying of the OPLAP cube, and reporting.

The project has to be performed by a team of 3 students.

Each part of the project must be documented with a brief pdf report (no more than 5 pages) describing your solution.

Final Project version to be delivered within 27/12/2024

Project to be delivered during the exam sessions Students who did not deliver the above project by 05/01/2025 need to ask by email a new project to the teachers. The project that will be assigned will require about 2 weeks of work. After the delivery, the project will be discussed during the oral exam. For those students, the oral exams will also cover some practical parts that could not be included in the project. Please write to all teachers!

Exam sessions

Registration to the written exam is mandatory (pay attention at the deadline for registering!): register here

Please indicate in the notes “Only Lab” for doing only the discussion of the lab project; “Only DSD” for doing only the written+oral part of the DSD module; or “DSD+Lab” for doing both.

Important: the date of the discussion of the lab project will be communicated to you. The dates at the registration website regard only the written part of the DSD module.

Oral Exam Date for LDS during the Winter Sessions:

  • 27 Jan
  • 29 Jan
  • 30 Jan
  • 31 Jan
  • 03 Feb
  • 04 Feb
  • 14 Feb
  • 20 Feb
  • 21 Feb

Past Editions

mds/lbi/start.txt · Ultima modifica: 03/02/2025 alle 23:27 (7 settimane fa) da Anna Monreale

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