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Ciclo di seminari su Tecnologie Assistive

The seminar cycle Assistive Technology (AT) provides an introduction into devices, services, and platforms for people with physical and sensory disabilities, motor neuron diseases, and pervasive development disorders. As an example how methods and tools from Computer Science can be applied to AT, we will introduce the most mature European runtime platform UniversAAL. We will tackle several aspects of UniversAAL ranging from the middleware design through management of heterogeneous devices, actuators, and sensors to realization of (semantic) services. A demonstration of UniversAAL will round up this introduction.

Seminar Objectives

As part of this cycle, the students will

  • know state-of-the-art AT
  • develop an understanding for AT supports und services
  • get familiar with the main components and functionalities of an AT runtime platform
  • extract and present knowledge from scientific papers

Lecture Notes

The lectures will be every Thursday at 11:00 in Seminari EST.

  • 5/2/15: Seminar 3: “Autismo: tra clinica e tecnologia” - A. Narzisi (Stella Maris) - Abstract : L'Autismo è un disturbo del neurosviluppo che compromette le abilità socio-comunicative. Negli ultimi anni l'applicazione delle più avanzate soluzioni della Tecnologia dell’ Informazione e della Comunicazione (ICT) applicate all'autismo ha come obiettivo quello di esplorare nuove strategie nel campo della diagnosi e dell’ intervento nei Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico. Il miglioramento del processo diagnostico e l’adattamento continuo della terapia alle caratteristiche peculiari di ciascun bambino rimangono i cardini della collaborazione tra clinici ed esperti di ICT.

Seminars planned on March 5, 11-13 A.M.:

  • “Activity Recognition using Temporal Evidence Theory” - Francesca Pratesi

Seminars planned on March 12, 11-13 A.M.:

  • in this week there is the school of Bertinoro. The seminars planned for this date are postponed to March 19th.

Seminars planned on March 19th, 11-13 A.M.:

  • “Bring the Users to the Games by the usage of the Assistive Technology Rapid Integration & Construction Set” - Ioanna Miliou
  • “Activity recognition using semi markov models in real world Smart home datasets” - Rita Pucci

Seminars planned on March 26th, 11-13 A.M.:

  • “Human behaviours simulation in ubiquitous computing environments” - Barbara Guidi
  • “Automated Real-Time Surveillance for Ambient Assisted Living Using an Omnidirectional Camera” - Daniele De Sensi

Assigned papers

  • : “The COACH prompting system to assist older adults with dementia through handwashing: An efficacy study” assigned to Luigi Fortunati

Scientific Papers

  • S. Padmavathi et al., “Conversion of Braille to Text in English, Hindi and Tamil Languages”, Int. Journal of Computer Science, Eng. and Appl. (IJCSEA), June 2013, pp. 19-32
  • Yanyan Zhuang et al., “Tradeoffs in Cross Platform Solutions for Mobile Assistive Technology”, IEEE Pacific Rim Conf. on Comm., Computers and Signal Processing (PACRIM), Aug. 2013, pp 330-335
  • Chen Wu et al., “Mapping Vision Algorithms on SIMD Architecture Smart Cameras”, 1st ACM/IEEE Conf. on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC), Sep. 2007, pp 27-34
  • L. Meinel et al., “Automated Rela-Time Surveillance for Ambient Assisted Living Using an Omnidirectional Camera”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Jan. 2014, pp 396-399
  • A. G. Castro et al., “Ontologizing Metadata for Assistive Technologies”, IEEE 1st Int. Workshop on Ontologies in Interactive Systems (ONTORACT), Sep. 2008, pp. 57-62
  • S. McKeever et al., “Activity Recognition using Temporal Evidence Theory”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Vol. 2, Nr. 3, 2010, pp. 253-269
  • T.L.M. Kasteren et al., “Activity Recognition using semi-Markov models on real world smart home datasets”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Vol. 2, Nr. 3, 2010, pp. 311-325
  • T. Garcia-Valverde et al., “Human Behaviours Simulation in Ubiquitous Computing Environments”, The Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations Federated Workshops (MALLOW) 2010, Aug. 30 - Sep. 2, 2010
  • A. Mihailidis et al., “The COACH prompting system to assist older adults with dementia through handwashing. An efficacy study”, BMC Geriatrics, 2008, 8:28
  • R. Ossmann et al., “Bring the Users to the Games by the usage of the Assistive Technology Rapid Integration & Construction Set”, 1st Workshop on Game Accessibility: Xtreme Interaction Design (GAXID'11)

the papers can be downloaded here.

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