
Visual Analytics (602AA) - Course Semester 2024



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Students will be admitted to the exam after the registration on the website The exam consists of a discussion of the project. It is mandatory to submit a short report (6-10 pages) within the deadline by mail to the instructor, specifying the tag “[VA]” in the subject.

Planned dates:

Project assignment

The student may choose one of the following project proposals. She/he can also propose an additional topic. In this case, a project proposal should be submitted for approval, containing a description of the data, a sketch of the possible visualization, and the motivation for the project.

VAST Challenge 2023 :!: **new**

The project assignment for the exam consists of the realization of a web application addressing data and mini-challenges presented for the VAST challenge 2023 ( Each student may choose one of the mini-challenges to build a visual interface that answers the proposed questions (see the list on the corresponding page on the VAST website).

Next Exams


Useful Resources


Class Calendar

All exercises and code discussed during each lesson are available as a Git repository at:

A collection of Observable Notebooks are available at

Recordings of lessons on Microsoft Teams are accessible within the channel of the course.

Day Topic Learning material
01 2024/02/19 Intro: Visual Analytics Process; Slides ; VisMaster Book (Chapter 2)
02 2024/02/20 Vision and Perception; Slides
03 2024/02/26 Visual Variables; Slides
04 2024/02/27 HTML, CSS, SVG va_lesson4_html_css_js.pdf
05 2024/03/04 Colors and Color Schemes Slides
06 2024/03/05 NPM, GIT and Vue.js Slides
07 2024/03/11 Chart Taxonomy Slides
08 2024/03/12 Intro to D3.js Slides; Notebook
9 2024-03-18 Scales Slides
10 2024-03-19 Project assignment
11 2024-03-25 Hierachies Slides
12 2024-03-26 Reusable modules D3 Slides Notebook
2024-04-01 No lesson ——–
2024-04-02 No lesson
13 2024-04-08 Networks Slides
2024-04-09 No lesson ——–
2024-04-15 No lesson ——–
2024-04-16 No lesson ——–
2024-04-22 No lesson - sospensione didattica
14 2024-04-23 ALtair Colab Notebook 01
2024-04-29 Suspension of classes
15 2024-04-30 Geographic data Slides
16 2024-05-06 Geographic data Notebook Leaflet - D3 Cartography
17 2024-05-07 VAST Project
18 2024-05-13 VAST Project
19 2024-05-14 VAST Project

Previous Editions