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Visual Analytics (602AA) - Course Semester 2021


  • Monday, 16:15 - 18:00, Microsoft Teams
  • Friday, 16:15 - 18:00, Microsoft Teams

Project assignment

  • A project should have the following requirements:
    • The application should contain several visual widgets, each providing insights on a selection of dimensions of the original data
    • It is possible to use state-of-the-art charts (bar charts, line charts, etc.) and libraries (, vega, etc).
    • The final evaluation will take into account the implementation of a novel, original visualization to present the data in a creative, non-trivial way, using D3.js (see examples on Vast Challenge 2008 developed in class). You can refer to visualization techniques already present in the literature, by adapting or implementing part of the solution.
    • Interactivity should be implemented, providing toolbars, selections, and filters for the data.
    • The visual widget should interact among them, realizing a set of linked displays to browse the data across multiple dimensions
    • The project should be submitted as a Git repository
    • The project report should be submitted 4 days before the discussion and should discuss at least the following points:
      • Description of data and presentation of the pattern or model to communicate
      • design choices: colors, interactions, shapes, transformations)
      • state-of-art: similar tools or interfaces for the same problem
      • Detailed description of the visualization with a description of the interaction
      • use case example for an analytical task

The student may choose one of the following project proposals. She/he can also propose an additional topic. In this case, a project proposal should be submitted for approval, containing a description of the data, a sketch of the possible visualization, and the motivation for the project.

VAST Challenge 2014 (or 2021) :!: **new**

The project assignment for the exam consists of the realization of a web application addressing data and mini-challenges presented for the VAST challenge 2014 ( The current VASt Challenge (2021) is using the same structure and mini challenges of the edition of 2014. The data are updated and slightly changed. Students may try to tackle the 2021 challenge.

Geological data visualization

This project has the objective of creating a visual dashboard to explore and browse geographical and geological data. This is a joint project with the IGG institute of CNR. Data available for the project can not be shared publicly. The data of the previous edition has been extended with new data and dimensions. All the data will be made available through an OCG Standard Interface reachable via HTTP. Students interested in the project can send an email to get more details.

Next Exams


Useful Resources

Other resources

Class Calendar

All exercises and code discussed during each lesson are available as a Git repository at:

A collection of Observable Notebooks are available at

Recordings of lessons on Microsoft Teams are accessible within the channel of the course.

Day Aula Topic Learning material
01 2021/02/15 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Intro: Visual Analytics Process; Slides ; VisMaster Book (Chapter 2)
02 2021/02/19 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Node.js, NPM, Vue.js, GIT Slides
03 2021/02/22 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Vision, Perception and effective visualization Slides
04 2021/02/26 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Introduction to HTML, CSS, Javascript Slides
05 2021/03/01 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Taxonomy of Visual Variables (continued from lesson 3) Slides (from lesson 3)
06 2021/03/05 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Introduction to SVG Slides
07 2021/03/08 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Chart Taxonomies; Do and don'ts Slides
08 2021/03/12 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Intro to D3.js Slides Observable Notebook
09 2021/03/15 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Scale functions Slides
10 2021/03/19 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Vue.js intro; First project with D3 and Vue GitHub Repository
2021/03/22 16:15-18:00 No lesson
11 2021/03/26 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Continuing project with D3 and Vue; cascading joining GitHub Repository
12 2021/03/29 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Color models and color scales Slides
Spring break
13 2021/04/09 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Reusable D3.js Components Slides , GitHub Repository
14 2021/04/12 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Visualizing Hierarchies Slides
15 2021/04/16 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Data loading and transformation Slides
16 2021/04/19 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Networks and Force-based visualizations va_lesson12_networks.pdf
17 2021/04/23 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Introducing the class project based on VAST Challenge 2008
18 2021/04/26 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Geographical data handling and visualization
19 2021/04/30 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Discussion and implementaion of MC2 - VAST 2008
20 2021/05/03 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Geographical data handling and visualization (cont'd)
21 2021/05/07 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Discussion and implementaion of MC4 - VAST 2008
22 2021/05/10 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Visual Storytelling
23 2021/05/14 16:15-18:00 MsTeams Q&A

GITHub repository

All source code of exercises are available at the URL:

Previous Editions

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