MPB 2024/25 (295AA / 372AA, 6 cfu)
Lecturer: Roberto Bruni
Contact: web - email - phone 050 2212785 - fax 050 2212726
Office hours: Wednesday 16:00-18:00 or by appointment
The course aims to reconcile abstraction techniques and high-level diagrammatic notations together with modular and structural approaches. The objective is to show the impact of the analysis and verification properties of business processes on the choice of the best suited specification and modelling languages. At the end of the course, the students will gain some familiarity with business process terminology, with different models and languages for the representation of business processes, with different kinds of logical properties that such models can satisfy and with different analysis and verification techniques. The students will also experiment with some tools for the design and analysis of business processes.
Business process management. Evolution of Enterprise Systems Architectures. Conceptual models and abstraction mechanisms. Petri nets: invariants, S-systems, T-systems, Free-choice systems and their properties. Workflow nets and workflow modules. Workflow patterns. Event-driven Process Chains (EPC). Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN), Process performance analysis. Process simulation. Process Mining.
The evaluation will be based on a group project and an oral exam.
Registration to the exam is mandatory.
The student must demonstrate the ability to put into practice and to execute, with critical awareness, the activities illustrated or carried out under the guidance of the teacher during the course.
BPM project request
in the object, and mandatorily including full names, student ids and email addresses of all students in the group). The teacher will then reply (in a few days) with the project description.Microsoft Teams: Additional material is available on Teams.
N | Date | Time | Room | Lecture notes | Topics | Links |
1 | 19/09 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Lecture 1 | Course introduction: course objectives, textbooks, BPM aim and motivation, models and abstraction | |
2 | 20/09 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Lecture 2 | Introduction to Business Processes: Taylorism, work units, processes, terminology, organizational structures, process orientation and reengineering, visual notations | |
- | 26/09 | 16:00-18:00 | Lecture canceled due to conflicting institutional activities | |||
3 | 27/09 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Exercises Lecture 3 | Exercises: Alice-Bob car selling scenario Examples: Orchestration diagrams, collaboration diagrams, choreography diagrams | |
4 | 03/10 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Exercises Lecture 4 (1st part) | Examples and Exercises: Travel agency ochestration, coffe break example, buyers and resellers collaborations Models and abstraction: visual modelling, horizontal abstraction, modelling levels, models and instances, a generic process meta-model, aggregation abstraction, granularity levels, functional decomposition, vertical abstraction, separation of concerns, modelling domains, function models, information models, organization models, roles, IT landscape models, process models | |
5 | 04/10 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Lecture 4 (2nd part) Lecture 5 | Models and abstraction: vertical abstraction, separation of concerns, modelling domains, function models, information models, organization models, roles, IT landscape models, process models Business Processes Lifecyle: levels of business processes, business strategies, operational goals, organizational BP, operational BP, lifecycle, design and analysis phase, identification, modelling guidelines, validation, simulation, verification, configuration phase, platform selection, software architecture, individual enterprise applications, enterprise resource planning system, siloed enterprise applications, enterprise application integration, point-to-point integration, hub-and-spoke integration, enterprise service computing, system workflows, human interaction workflows, testing, enactment phase, event logs, logging, evaluation phase, activity monitoring, mining, administration phase, stakeholders | |
- | 10/10 | 16:00-18:00 | Lecture canceled due to UniPi-Orienta activities | |||
- | 11/10 | 16:00-18:00 | Lecture canceled due to UniPi-Orienta activities | |||
6 | 17/10 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Lecture 6 | EPC: Event-driven Process Chain, events, functions, connectors, EPC diagrams, guidelines, diagram repair, function annotations, EPML, folder-passing semantics, candidate split, corresponding split, matching split, OR-join policies (wait-for-all, first-come, every-time), examples | VP ARIS Express yEd |
7 | 18/10 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Lecture 7 (1st part) | BPMN: Notation, swimlanes, flow objects, artefacts, connecting objects, collaborations | VP yEd Yaoqiang Camunda Bizagi |
8 | 24/10 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Exercises (from Lectures 6 and 7) Lecture 7 (2nd part) | Exercises: EPC and BPMN modelling BPMN: data objects, associations, groups, call acrivities, throwing and catching, choreographies | |
9 | 25/10 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Lecture 8 | From automata to nets: Inductive definitions, Kleene star, finite state automata, transition function, destination function, language accepted by an automaton, from automata to Petri nets, places, transitions, tokens | |
- | 31/10 | 16:00-18:00 | Lecture canceled due to general strike | |||
10 | 07/11 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Exercises (from Lectures 7 and 8) Lecture 9 (1st part) | Exercises: BPMN and FSA Petri nets basics: multisets and markings, transition enabling and firing, firing sequences, reachable markings Woped basics | Woped |
11 | 08/11 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Exercises (from Lecture 9) Lecture 9 (2nd part) | Exercises: Petri nets Petri nets basics: occurrence graph, modelling with Petri nets, examples and exercises Woped basics | |
12 | 14/11 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Exercises (from Lecture 9) Lecture 10 (1st part) | Exercises: modelling with Petri nets Behavioural properties: liveness, non live transitions, dead transitions, place liveness, non live places, dead places |
Microsoft Teams: Additional material is available on Teams.
N | Date | Time | Room | Lecture notes | Topics | Links |
13 | 15/11 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Lecture 10 (2nd part) Lecture 11 (1st part) | Behavioural properties: deadlock freedom, boundedness, safeness, home marking, cyclicity Structural properties: weak and strong connectedness, S-systems, T-systems, free-choice nets Nets as matrices: markings as vectors, incidence matrices, Parikh vectors, marking equation lemma, monotonicity lemma | |
14 | 18/11 | 11:00-13:00 | M1 | Exercises (from Lecture 10) Lecture 11 (2nd part) Lecture 12 (1st part) | Exercises: behavioural properties, structural properties Nets as matrices: monotonicity lemma 2 and a corollary, boundedness lemma, repetition lemma Invariants: S-invariants, fundamental property of S-invariants, alternative characterization of S-invariant, support, positive S-invariants | |
15 | 21/11 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Lecture 12 (2nd part) Exercises (from Lecture 12) Lecture 13 (1st part) | Invariants: S-invariants and boundedness, S-invariants and liveness, S-invariants and reachability, T-invariants, fundamental property of T-invariants, alternative characterization of T-invariants, reproduction lemma, about liveness and boundedness, two connectedness theorems Exercises: invariants Workflow nets: definition, syntax sugar, subprocesses, control flow aspects | |
16 | 22/11 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Lecture 13 (2nd part) Lecture 14 (1st part) | Workflow nets: triggers Exercise: modelling with workflow nets Analysis of workflow nets: structural analysis, activity analysis, token analysis, net analysis, verification and validation, reachability analysis, bags, coverability graph, soundness, N* | Woped |
17 | 25/11 | 11:00-13:00 | M1 | Exercises (from Lectures 13 and 14) Lecture 14 (2nd part) Lecture 15 Exercises (from Lecture 15) | Exercises: workflow nets and soundeness, soundness by construction Analysis of workflow nets: main soundness theorem, strong connectedness of N* Safe Workflow nets: soundness (and safeness) by construction | Woped |
18 | 28/11 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Exercises (from Lecture 14) Lecture 16 Exercises (from Lecture 16) Lecture 17 Exercises (from Lecture 17) A note on P and NP (optional reading) | S-systems: fundamental property of S-systems, S-invariants of S-nets, liveness theorem, reachability lemma, reachability theorem, boundedness theorem, workflow S-nets T-systems: circuits and token count on a circuit, fundamental property of T-systems, T-invariants of T-nets, boundedness in strongly connected T-systems, liveness theorem for T-systems, workflow T-nets Decision problems and computational complexity (optional reading) Exercises: S-nets properties, T-nets properties | |
19 | 02/12 | 11:00-13:00 | M1 | Lecture 18 Lecture 19 (1st part) Exercises (from Lecture 17) | Free-choice nets: Fundamental property of free-choice nets, place-liveness = liveness in f.c. nets, Commoner's theorem, Rank theorem, clusters, stable sets, siphons, proper siphons, fundamental property of siphons, siphons and liveness, traps, Commoner's theorem and its complexity issues, Rank theorem and its complexity issues EPC: soundness analysis, from EPC to wf nets, net fragments, dummy style, fusion style, unique start, unique end, three transformations Exercises: workflow net analysis with Woped, properties of free-choice nets, workflow systems | Woped |
20 | 05/12 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Exercises (from Lecture 18) Lecture 19 (2nd part) Lecture 20 | Exercises: free-choice nets, clusters, siphons, traps, SAT encoding EPC: semantics ambiguities, relaxed sound nets, relaxed sound EPC diagrams, from restricted EPC diagrams to f.c. nets, problems with (X)OR joins, OR join policies (wfa, fc, et), from decorated EPC diagrams to nets Workflow systems: I/O interfaces, workflow modules, stuctural compatibility, workflow system, weak soundness | VP yEd Woped |
21 | 06/12 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Exercises (from Lecture 20) Lecture 21 Lecture 22 | Exercises: workflow systems BPMN: from BPMN diagrams to nets Diagnosis of Workflow nets: Woped, S-components, S-cover, sound f.c wf nets are safe, TP-handles, PT-handles, well-handled nets, well-structured wf nets, Woflan, ProM, error sequences, non-live sequences, unbounded sequences | yEd Yaoqiang Camunda Bizagi VP Woped Woflan ProM |
22 | 09/12 | 11:00-13:00 | M1 | Exercises (from Lectures 19 and 22) Lecture 23 | Exercises: EPC analysis Process mining: intro, Event logs, discovery, conformance, enhancement, perspectives, play-in, play-out, replay, overfitting, underfitting, alpha-algorithm, footprint matrix, naive fitness, improved fitness, comparing footprints | |
23 | 12/12 | 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Exercises (from Lecture 23) Lecture 24 | Exercises: process discovery, peformance analysis Quantitative analysis: Performance dimensions and objectives, KPI, cyle time analysis, Little's law, cost analysis A final note (with project instructions) | |
24 | 13/12 | 16:00-18:00 | Teacher's office | Questions and answers | ||
end |
Date | Time | Room | Info | |
day | date | time | Teams | Exam Exams registration system The actual date of the oral exam will be agreed with the teacher |